Terms of Services
Bitget Insights Agreement and Disclaimer
2024-06-25 06:125113017
Revised on Jan 24th, 2025
Bitget Insights is committed to creating an open, secure, and harmonious platform where Insighter KOLs (key opinion leaders) can share their insights, professional knowledge, and experiences on the platform to drive everyone to learn new knowledge together through dialogue and exchange.
To realize this ideal, we have established the following rules for Insighter KOL content creation to ensure a fair environment and a richer reading experience for all platform members.
By publishing content on this platform, Insighter KOLs agree to abide by this policy. We reserve the right to refuse and delete any content that violates the terms of this policy or any other content that we deem controversial.
1.Suggested behavior
1.1 Respect community members and engage in friendly interactions.
1.2 Before publishing content, creators should strive to thoroughly research the truthfulness and accuracy of the information, including but not limited to events, data, etc., to ensure the content is accurate, fair, and objective.
1.3 Ensure the published content is logically clear and structurally reasonable. The platform encourages industry-related topics or in-depth industry content, such as:
1) Blockchains, public chains, Layer2, DeFi, GameFi, Metaverse, NFT, DAO, and other sectors, as well as macroeconomic data and crypto market-related content. Posts that are on-topic, fair in perspective, and have a positive impact on the crypto market are more welcome.
2) Technical sharing, sector analysis, macroeconomic and crypto market analysis, major crypto-related news sharing, etc.
1.4 Encourage users to express their personal views and offer constructive suggestions to the platform, and jointly maintain a clean and civilized community environment.
2. Inappropriate Content
Off-topic, irrelevant, and scam content.
Content that contains any related keywords in general political, social commentary, or personal rant topics.
Content contains any related keywords in pornography, and sexual topics.
Content that harasses, bullies, or contains obscene, profane, or offensive language or gestures.
Content that promotes or encourages violence.
Content created for the purpose of advertising or commercials.
Content that contains other people's private or confidential information.
Content contains links or embeds with the purpose of driving traffic to an external website, business, or product.
Redirecting the audience to focus on a specific page within the article, or posting specific personal contact information.
Leaking or attempting to obtain others' sensitive data or information (such as wallet addresses, contract addresses, etc.) on the platform.
3. Specific scenarios
- Marketing-related posts: Marketing is permitted, provided there is no reference to it being targeted at any one particular country or region. If a post is sponsored, expressly state so. Please also note that you are not allowed to use our platform to solicit users to sign up or pay for any products or services or to invite users to join other community groups (including, without limitation, those discussing trading activities). We reserve the right to reject, take down, or amend posts to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements or for other reasons generally at our sole and absolute discretion.
- Trading experiences: You may share your personal trading experiences with the community, but be truthful about what you say and your intentions. Don't promote sponsored projects, products, or services under the guise of such posts.
- No endorsement: You are solely responsible for your posted content and its associated consequences. Our acceptance of your post for publication shall not be deemed as an endorsement of your views, or that we hold a similar view. You must not conduct yourself in such a manner as to create a false or misleading impression that you represent, are endorsed by, or have a collaboration or cooperation with Bitget. This includes (but is not limited to) making any false or misleading representations of your content, or using our Bitget logo or other associated images as your avatar, or incorporating them as part of your content to falsely suggest cooperation.
4. Content review
After an Insighter's content is submitted to the system, our content reviewers will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the content quality and accuracy based on the content policy. Upon completion of the review, our reviewers will decide, in accordance with the content policy, whether to approve or not approve the content submitted by the Insighter KOL. The Insighter KOL can check the content review results in the Notification Center of the Bitget app.
5. Prohibited behavior
Prohibited behavior on the platform includes (but is not limited to) the following:
5.1 Primary (serious) violations
Publishing or disseminating content that violates laws, regulations, or relevant policies, including the promotion of radicalism, extremism, terrorism, illegal activities (including but not limited to pornography, gambling, drugs), violent crimes, or content with racial discrimination, religious prejudice, political bias, inciting hatred and discrimination, or other offensive information.
Publishing pornographic, obscene, explicit, or borderline inappropriate content.
Falsely implying a cooperative or subordinate relationship with Bitget, including but not limited to:
Using Bitget icons/trademarks or official images as avatars.
Using Bitget's official icons or images in published content to mislead others and falsely imply a cooperative relationship with Bitget.
Using illegal means to participate in platform activities, harming others, and the legitimate rights and interests of the Bitget community, including but not limited to using bots for brushing orders, publishing false activity information, inducing interactions, batch registration, and buying and selling accounts.
Engaging in extreme traffic manipulation behavior, including large-scale interaction manipulation (likes/shares/comments) in a short period or posting a large number of posts in a short period.
Publishing or disseminating unverified false statements, including but not limited to posting false information, spreading rumors, or deliberately smearing.
Publishing or disseminating content that may harm others or cause user financial losses, including but not limited to:
Impersonating others or displaying deceptive identities.
Fraud or scams, such as photo manipulation or publishing information suspected of attempting to manipulate the market.
5.2 Secondary (moderate) violations
Attempting to obtain or steal others' sensitive data information (such as wallet private keys, login information, mnemonic phrases, etc.).
Publishing content that infringes on others' intellectual property rights (e.g., copying or reposting others' published content without permission).
Bullying, harassment, invasion of privacy, insults, verbal abuse, personal attacks, or other similar behaviors.
Promoting paid services or soliciting payments/donations from other Insights members.
Directing users to third-party platforms.
In posts, images, videos, live streams, nicknames, or comments, inviting other members to join any third-party social media platforms or other channels in any way (including but not limited to personal contact information, referral codes, links, watermarks, QR codes, etc.), which may cause harm to users.
Adding contact information or group links for personal WeChat, Telegram, Discord, or other social platforms to personal profiles or nicknames.
Engaging in moderate traffic manipulation behavior, including using interaction manipulation (likes/shares/comments) to artificially inflate the popularity of posts, or posting a significant number of repetitive or meaningless posts in a short period.
5.3 Tertiary (minor) violations
Intentionally publishing unmarked promotional content in the community, or publishing misleading information about products, services, or companies, exaggerating, inciting, or inducing users.
Spamming the platform (including but not limited to submitting a large amount of low-quality content in a short period of time, abusing topic tags, or using topic tags unrelated to the content), and publishing or disseminating other inappropriate content.
Abusing the platform's reporting function, including but not limited to providing false feedback or reports to damage another party's reputation.
Minor traffic manipulation behavior, such as small-scale interaction manipulation or a slight increase in post quantity in a short period to gain extra exposure or rewards.
6. Community management
6.1 Primary (severe) violations may include (but are not limited to):
First Offense: Restricted Posting and Interaction Privileges for 15 Days
Second Offense: Restricted Posting and Interaction Privileges for 30 Days
Third Offense: Restricted Posting and Interaction Privileges for 60 Days
Fourth Offense: Permanent Ban on Posting and Interaction Privileges
6.2 Secondary (moderate) violations may include (but are not limited to):
First Offense: Warning and Traffic Limitation. Entering a 5-day observation period.
- If another violation occurs during the observation period: Restrictions on posting and interaction for 15 days.
More Than Two Offenses: Additional Penalties Based on the Severity of the Violations
6.3 Tertiary (minor) violations may include (but are not limited to):
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: Warning and Traffic Limitation
Third Offense: Restricted Posting and Interaction Privileges for 3 Days
More Than Three Offenses: Additional Penalties Based on the Severity of the Violations
6.4 For repeated or multiple violations, depending on the severity, we reserve the right to take appropriate measures and impose penalties, including but not limited to:
Removing or deleting some or all of the violating content and interaction records, including restricting the right to post such content
Modifying or clearing the violating nickname or profile description
Resetting the violating profile picture to the default avatar
For violating content or behavior, we also reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings or other procedures we deem appropriate to seek proper legal redress and remedies.
If you have any questions about the applicable guidelines or terms of use of the Bitget Insights community, please contact our customer service at insights@bitget.com.
The Bitget Insights community reserves the final interpretation right for all matters and rules related to your access and use of the Bitget Insights platform, as well as the right to impose appropriate penalties (if any). To avoid ambiguity, the Bitget Insights community reserves the right to adjust the user agreement and disclaimer.
7. User agreement
As a member of our platform, the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data is subject to Bitget's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which covers how we collect, use, share, and store your personal information.
8. General use of the platform
8.1 Sharing
When you share content or information on our platform, others can see, copy, and use that information. We are not obligated to publish any information or content on our platform and can remove it with or without notice.
8.2 Rights and limits
You own all the content and personal information you provide to the platform, but you also grant us a non-exclusive license to it.
You agree to only provide content or information that does not violate the law or anyone's rights (including intellectual property rights). You also agree that your personal information will be truthful.
We reserve the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your account if you breach our User Agreement or Content Policy terms.
8.3 Disclaimer
Bitget aims to provide you with a great open platform, but there are some things we can't guarantee. The information and content displayed on this platform are provided by our members. We do not create this information, vouch for its accuracy, or guarantee that it is the most up-to-date information available from the members.
Bitget (A) expressly disclaims the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and content, and (B) shall not be liable for any errors, defects, delays, or interruptions in such information, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Your use of the information on this platform is at your sole risk.
Become a Bitget Insighter
Engage in lively discussions, connect with fellow crypto enthusiasts, and share your knowledge and insights about the world of crypto in this thriving community. Every day, millions of users log in to Bitget, making Bitget Insights the ideal hub for active engagement within the crypto community.
Traders can easily develop their personal brand, expand their influence, and grow their followers through the Bitget Insights community.
If you want to increase the number of followers on Insights and quickly stand out from other content creators, you can click on "Share" on your Insights profile and share it to your other social media and community channels (such as Twitter and Telegram).
To find out more about the Bitget Insights community, including official social media exposure, exclusive perks, priority access to new products, and more, please stay tuned to the official Bitget Insights social media and community channels.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users should conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion. Bitget shall not be liable for any investment losses.
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